Here it is!!!!

A quick mix of the upcoming single Knock Down the Barrier


A few thoughts from Kristina:

Has there ever been someone or something in your life that no matter what you do there’s this invisible wall between you and this “thing” and all you want to do is knock down the walls that are standing between you?
People build up walls for a variety 0f reasons whether they are legitimate reasons or a complete lost cause, they create walls and barriers.
Then there are the kind of walls that YOU put up because you tend to over analyze and your imagination starts running. These walls are the worst, convincing your mind of tragedies and disbelief, it’s unthinkable.
Yet there is an opportunity that comes, a moment where you can see the barrier slowly coming down. You discover stories and make jokes that lead to the wall slowly being chipped away. You begin to understand who you are. You are no longer an ordinary, every-day soul. You are a magnificent human being with amazing potential.
So, here’s to you. I’m praying that you knock down barriers, you take that chance and take those steps because in the end it’s all worth it. And that is beautiful.

Let us know what you think!

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