Little Bloomsbury

Every once in a while, you get an opportunity to perform somewhere extra special. In April the Little Bloomsbury Art Festival was just such a place. I was lucky enough to have my pre-album release concert align with the Art Festival. The combination of these two was a match made in heaven, and not just because […]

Easter Traditions

I love the liveliness and hope that arises around Easter. I come from a family who is firmly rooted in the soil that is the gospel of Jesus Christ and every year (with the exception of this year) we perform an Easter Cantata – Loves Greatest Gift.  (Cantata- a medium-length narrative piece of music for voices with […]

5 questions to ask before you release a single

Releasing your first single as a musician can be terrifying and thrilling all at once. There are so many steps to take along the journey, but once you’re ready to go, make sure you have a few things in order: 1. How will you release your single? You’ve got options! Will you use a service like […]

Songwriting Tips for Beginners

For many busy students and professionals, the weekend is a prime time to work those creative muscles. To help, we’ve put together a handy infographic to maximize that time. Leave a comment below. What suggestions would you add?